Work Crew
Benton County Juvenile Department (BCJD) Work Crew may be ordered by a Court Counselor or the Courts. It is your responsibility to call and schedule your Work Crew hours *Remember this is a REQUIREMENT of your Probation or Formal Accountability Agreement* Our program runs for approximately six hours a day, where the youth are involved in a variety of tasks which are overseen by our Work Crew Coordinator. The Work Crew Coordinator provides supervision over, at most six youth on one crew; education on safety and how to use the equipment and maintains a safe work environment for all youth on our crew.

What To Know…
What should I bring?
- Wear appropriate working attire (no inappropriate pictures or slogans): Closed toed shoes, pants, no tank tops or sleeveless shirts.
- A water bottle and lunch.
- Items you may need for the weather (sunscreen, coat, etc), you will probably be outside for most of the day.
- If you bring a cell phone, expectations may vary depending on the project and Work Crew Coordinator discretion. BCJD is not liable for lost or damaged personal items.
- Always bring good attitude and be ready to work.
What is Expected of Me?
- It is YOUR responsibility to call the Work Crew Coordinator to schedule your hours.
- If you are sick or have an emergency, you MUST let the Work Crew Coordinator know.
- No cursing or profanity
- No weapons (pocket knives included)
- Do not talk about why you or others are on Work Crew / Probation.
- ALL Drug, Alcohol, or Nicotine products are PROHIBITED. (Including those 18+)
- Bring your best attitude and be ready to work!

What If…?
I have an emergency or am sick and unable to make it to Work Crew?
Call or text the Work Crew Coordinator 541-760-6737, a no call, no show may result in a Probation Violation or other consequences. If you are unable to reach the Coordinator, get in contact with your Court Counselor.
I have an issue with someone on Work Crew?
Let the Coordinator know. Fighting, arguing, bullying, etc will not be tolerated.
I don’t have a lunch?
We have PB&J sandwiches for those who are unable to bring a sack lunch.
I don’t do well on Work Crew?
You are graded on: Attitude, Work Ethic, Staff Relations, Peer Relations and Safety.
The Work Crew program is beneficial to both the youth and the community. Youth have the opportunity to gain job skills, work ethic, customer service and develop a sense of belonging to their community. The community and non-profit organizations benefit from the hundreds of hours of community service that are served annually.
Restorative Justice is an approach that holds the offender accountable for their actions, while repairing the victim’s losses. By performing Work Crew the youth are giving back to the community they may have harmed.