Juvenile Detention
The Linn-Benton Juvenile Detention Center

The Linn-Benton Juvenile Detention Center was officially opened on December 15, 1997. It has a total capacity of 20 youth and serves two neighboring communities, Linn and Benton Counties. It is located within the Oregon Youth Authority’s Oak Creek facility in Albany, Oregon, and is operated by Linn County Juvenile Department. Although located in a state building, the detention center is county funded. It is a unique relationship based on partnership and a community need for protection and safety.
The mission of the Linn-Benton Juvenile Detention Center is to provide a safe, secure and stable environment for detained juveniles. Detention staff are committed to using a balanced approach when working with juveniles, and provide public safety, accountability and opportunities for change. They promote cultural awareness, respect, education and appropriate social skills to the juveniles in their care. Detention is a supportive, consistent team of professionals working toward common goals and objectives, who maintain high standards for staff and provide juveniles with opportunities for growth and development.